September 14, 2021 changed my life forever. It was the day I went in to get an MRI after a month of continuous migraines with no reprieve. It was the first time I had ever done this procedure, and I was so proud that I managed to get through without a panic attack from nerves. But when I saw the technician's face, I knew that there had been something found. He asked that I return to do a couple more images, because he had forgotten to do a few. In my gut though, I knew it wasn't why.
When I got the results, I was told that there was a cyst in the right lateral ventricle of my brain, measuring over 2 inches. And while I was very happy to have answers, more questions arose in a short time. Did I need brain surgery? Will I have seizures? Will the Migraines get worse? What little control I thought I had crumbled.

The migraines continued, while I waited for follow-ups with doctors. Exhaustion, pain, and agitation became my normal; leaving my usual optimistic spirit a distant wisp. I became lost. I worried that my quality of life would not improve and that I'd be stuck in an endless cycle of pain. I put on a brave face for my family, but on the inside, I was going numb. I stopped most activities, except...for watering the garden. But even that, I did on auto-pilot without much thought.
Therapy through Gardening
Earlier that spring, I had planted a garden of various plants, but only 4 pepper plants had survived the harsh Arizona heat. Two jalapeño and two pepperoncini plants. They would flower, but never produce any peppers. It was how I learned that pepper plants are picky about temperatures for fruit production. And oh, how I had been eagerly awaiting to see some peppers for about 6 months. Then it happened, after the first week in October, not long after my brain cyst discovery.

I couldn't believe my eyes. There were little nubs in the flowering peppers. It was the first time in a few weeks, that I had been excited and happy. I flooded my family's phones with picture updates every week. As soon as I woke up, I hurried to the garden to see the tiniest changes. Those little peppers, pulled me from my uncertainty and despair. It was the therapy I never knew I needed. And as the peppers grew, I started to see myself represented in them. There was hope.
November came, and with it, lots of learning. I met with a Neurosurgeon at The Mayo Clinic and it was determined that brain surgery would not be necessary at that point and to focus on migraine prevention and management through medications. I learned that it was arachnoid cyst that had probably been there since my birth and had just been growing with me. I started taking an injectable medication called Emgality for migraine management and was scheduled another visit in January 2022 to see if the medication decreased my migraine frequency. With all of the scary medical visits out of the way, all I had to do was enjoy the holidays.
Anything, but Mild
December was the most exciting of all. It was when I harvested all of my jalapeños and pepperoncini peppers. It was also when I had the chance to taste them as well. Between the two jalapeño plants, I got over 150 jalapeños! It was like Christmas. The harvest of the pepperoncini was small, but produced enough to pickle in a medium jar. The family came over frequently due to the holidays and we got to taste the jalapeños together. I'll never forget the first one I had because - IT WAS ANYTHING, BUT MILD! All our mouths were set ablaze and it filled the room with laughter and surprise. Although, some family could definitely take the heat a lot better than others.

From this experience, I started getting requests from family to grow them their own pepper plant. It delighted me to share the same joy from the peppers. I happily obliged, but I wanted to gift them in a beautiful and memorable way. I couldn't find anyone selling pepper plants as gifts, so I decided to create it myself. It's how it all started. And when it was time to think of a tagline, I already knew the perfect one. Anything, but mild. Because, that very first jalapeño reminded me that I was anything, but mild too.
I never would have thought that my brain cyst journey would bring me here today. I am so glad it did. Looking back, I can definitely see how the Lord gently guided me and turned one of my weaknesses into a great strength. Now, I want to give others the same strength and inspiration that I was given. It is my hope that with every encounter and every order, I can remind you that - YOU are ANYTHING, BUT MILD.
XOXO - Shannon